A Global Leader in Penetration Testing and Secure Software Development

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Certifications / Memberships


PCI Standards Security Council



We are a highly specialized cybersecurity company deeply committed to achieving superior levels of security for our clients. With over two decades of experience, our team has played a critical role in securing the most sophisticated products in the world, including many of the AI/LLM, cloud, software, mobile, and IoT products you use today.

We are not a scanner company. We are the team hired to thoroughly vet security mitigations and find vulnerabilities well after all other design reviews, code reviews, and testing measures have been exhausted. Trusted by the world’s largest organizations, we are known for raising the bar on security through our one-of-a-kind high quality, deep, and thorough testing approach.

What We Stand For

At Casaba, we take your security seriously. We work closely with you to develop highly customized, quality testing programs with qaulity results. We are not the company to call for a check-the-box security or compliance program. We specialize in deep, technical testing that focuses on finding meaningful security risks and exploits, so you can focus on delivering the highest quality products and services on the market. Our goal is to give you complete confidence that your products, platforms, and services are protected against the most important threats you're facing.

A Talented Team with Decades of Experience

Our team brings together high caliber, real world expertise across the full spectrum of systems security. We’ve led pioneering efforts at Microsoft, IBM X-Force, and the U.S. Government, along with leading multinationals. We played key roles in the development of the software Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) and continue to play key roles in ongoing AI/LLM, Cloud and application security testing programs along with core governance programs.

We’re also a good bunch of people. Designers and developers like us because we’re relentless when it comes to making sure their technology is as secure as it can be, but also because we’re generous with our time and knowledge. Part of the reason we’re so effective is our ability to seamlessly integrate with client teams. The other part, of course, is each Casaba team member’s uniquely specialized experience, personality, and work ethic.


Brian Lewis

Co-founder, Managing Principal

Brian specializes in software development, system architecture and design, threat modeling and system analysis. After earning his BS in Computer Science from Polytechnic University in 1994, Brian gained early experience building auditing systems for Morgan Stanley to verify trades against stated positions and SEC rules. In 1997, he developed and presented an online Human Resources system at conferences in the US, France, Belgium and the UK. Brian has worked in pure play security since 1999, which included designing and building an attack scripting language (FASL), conducting security penetration testing and teaching classes in web security. Brian manages client relations and security teams for some of Casaba's most prominent clients.

Chris Weber

Co-founder, Managing Principal

Chris leverages his security expertise to fuel Casaba's R&D efforts in AI and LLM technology, in addition to managing Casaba's preeminent client relationships and security testing teams. For more than two decades, Chris has been working at the forefront of the information security industry, carefully testing and reviewing the security of many of the global products we use every day.

Chris maintains a CSSLP from ISC2 and has authored several books including Privacy Defended and Windows XP Professional Security, and served as technical editor for Hunting Security Bugs, which was written by the MS Office Security Team. Chris has been invited to speak at industry conferences including Microsoft BlueHat, BlackHat, CanSecWest, OWASP, SOURCE and the Internationalization and Unicode Conference.

Jason Glassberg

Co-founder, Managing Principal

Jason has been providing security consulting, compliance and project management services for over two decades. Jason has scoped and managed a large number of diverse and complex engagements and security initiatives across all facets of the enterprise, including comprehensive reviews of Fortune 50 development environments. Jason’s work is primarily to develop Casaba's marquee client relationships and manage Casaba’s business.

Samuel Bucholtz

Co-founder, Managing Principal

Samuel began his career more than two decades ago as a Security Engineer building secure networks and web businesses like Major Leage Baseball’s first streaming video platform. Since then, he has performed application reviews and network penetration testing for numerous Fortune 500 companies, with responsibility for organizing engagement teams and instructing classes around the world on network and application security, secure coding, threat modeling, and SDL.

Samuel maintains proficiencies in advanced program analysis tools, threat modeling, code review, penetration testing and network security. He has performed deep reviews of crypto implementations for secure network protocols and custom authentication schemes, DRM protection systems and embedded hardware devices.

Singapore Team

Jason Glassberg

Co-founder, Managing Principal

Jason has been providing security consulting, compliance and project management services for over a decade. Jason has scoped and managed a large number of diverse and complex engagements and security initiatives across all facets of the enterprise, including comprehensive reviews of Fortune 50 development environments. Jason’s work is primarily to develop business, assist groups with the SDL process and manage Casaba’s technical resources.

BK Soon

Partner, Asia Operations

From a young age, BK’s work has been driven by his ambition to help others. Prior to joining Casaba Security, he has been a computer teacher, course counselor, businessman and an activist on promoting technology to combat against modern slavery and organized crimes. BK is a leader with a social mission to do good. His experience in private corporations, not-for-profit organizations and law enforcement agencies in Asia, make him the perfect candidate for business development in Casaba Asia.

Adam Radicic

Managing Director, Asia Operations

Adam brings a diverse and unique skill set to the Casaba team with two decades of experience in strategic planning and cross-platform security systems integration. After earning a B.S. Engineering from the United States Military Academy, West Point and completing his service as an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army, Adam has spent more than a decade living and working internationally, focused on strategic security consulting and project management. Adam's specialties include telecommunications security (Lawful Intercept and Internet Monitoring programs) and business and competitive intelligence analysis. Adam is a lifetime member of the Strategic & Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) and long-standing member of ASIS International.

John Lloyd

Chief Technology Officer

John joins Casaba from a career spanning many countries. Since leaving the US immediately after completing his university education, he has worked for multi-nationals such as BMW, TrendMicro, and NTT Communications Security, in roles centred around securing business and business systems. John has years of experience building and managing large scale security operations centres (SOC) in the APAC region. His primary interest is in managing the human aspects of information security; holistically blending technology and best practices to develop systems which are secure yet provide an effortless user experience. John spends his free time working on security projects in the area of crypto-currency where he focuses on distributed trust and projects related to risk management as well as studying Korean and Mandarin.